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[PDF] Civil Engineering Notes Download | Civil 101 | SSC-JE | RRB-JE |Sandeep Jyani - Crack-JE-Civil

Writer's picture: Pungyambam Galaxy RoyPungyambam Galaxy Roy

Updated: Nov 23, 2022

Welcome to Crack-JE-Civil for new updated 2022 - Sandeep Jyani Notes

Crack-JE-Civil, SSC-JE, RRB-JE, GATE, Sandeep Jyani Notes, Civil 101

Hi everyone! it's been a long time since we brought you an update with informative articles that inspires you to achieve meaningful success during these monotonous times. We brought an updated blog post from the previous posts which compiles all the notes and important pdf files published by our one and all civil engineering mentor Sandeep Jyani in his channel. You can refer to the previous notes for comparison purposes or for personal reference - From here.

The YouTube Civil 101 channel launched recently by Sandeep Jyani had a great start and the contents are extremely useful for aspirants of SSC-JE predominantly. This post is dedicated to the newly launched channel content as mentioned above, hope it will bring some ease of navigation to the notes and make your day better by adding some values.

Time and again I do once again repeat myself to our community that it is best if you refer to standard books if you are completely a beginner in preparing for SSC-JE | RRB-JE | GATE or any other state-level or national level exams and only after that you can follow the notes for main revision and brushing off theory and concepts. Preparation strategies for cracking SSC JE Civil Engineering Exams video by Sandeep Jyani has been given below and it might be useful for better preparation results.

Subject-wise notes by Sandeep Jyani

The subject-wise notes by Sandeep Jyani have been divided into two sections Main Subjects which includes the core subjects for any type of examination may it be SSC-JE | RRB-JE | GATE | ESE etc. and the Miscellaneous topics which cover the important must-know areas and topics that imparts a great factor in ranking yourself higher in this competitive world & latest updates from Sandeep Jyani channel.

Main Subjects

Miscellaneous Topics

  1. CPWD Specification VOLUME-1

  2. CPWD Specification VOLUME-2

  3. ESE (Engineering Service Exam)_PYQs_MCQs VOLUME 1 & 2

  4. All tests of Civil Engineering

  5. All formulas of Civil Engineering

  6. Railway Engineering

  7. CPM & PERT

  8. Hydrology

  9. Prestressed Concrete and Staircase

  10. RCC & Steel Design Codal Provision

  11. Building Materials MCQs by Sandeep Jyani Sir complete pdf (May-2022)

  12. Fluid Mechanics MCQs by Sandeep Jyani (May-2022)

  13. Waste Water Engineering MCQs by Sandeep Jyani (May-2022)

  14. Steel Design MCQs by Sandeep Jyani (May-2022)

  15. Raw Water Engineering MCQs by Sandeep Jyani (May-2022)

  16. Highway Engineering and Traffic Engineering by Sandeep Jyani Sir (May-2022)

  17. Fluid mechanics class pdf by Sandeep Jyani (June-2022)


  19. Strength_of_Materials_notes_YT_session_by_Sandeep_Jyani (June-2022)

  20. Steel_Design_Practice_Questions_21062022_session_by_Sandeep_Jyani (June-2022)

  21. Highway Engineering Notes 28062022 Youtube (June-2022)

  22. Irrigation Engineering Notes 29062022 (June-2022)

Civil 101 -Sandeep Jyani - SSC_JE 2022 Notes

(On-Going session)

  1. Bricks_Building_Materials_by_Sandeep_Jyani

  2. Clay_Products_Building_Materials_by_Sandeep_Jyani

  3. Rocks_and_Stones_Building_Materials_by_Sandeep_Jyani

  4. Wood_and_Wood_Products_Building_Materials



  7. Session_7_8_9_Highway_Engineering_by_Sandeep_Jyani

  8. Highway_Engineering_Complete_PDF_by_Sandeep_Jyani_SSC_JE

  9. Traffic_Engineering_Complete_PDF_by_Sandeep_Jyani

  10. Highway_Engineering,Pavement_Materials_&_Design, Traffic_Engineering

  11. Railway_Engineering_Complete_PDF_by_Sandeep_Jyani_SSC_JE

  12. SFD and BMD Notes PDF by Sandeep Jyani

  13. SURVEYING Complete PDF by Sandeep Jyani_SSC JE GATE IES

  14. Fluid_Mechanics_by_Sandeep_Jyani_ssc_je_2022_ies

  15. IRRIGATION_ENGINEERING_by_Sandeep_Jyani_ssc_je_2022

  16. Environmental_Engineering_Water_Demand_Chapter_PDF

  17. Soil Mechanics Sandeep Jyani Channel

  18. Environmental Engg session 2 Sandeep Jyani pdf

  19. Session 1-3 Soil Mechanics By Sandeep Jyani Notes

  20. Session 1-3 Environmental Engineering pdf Sandeep Jyani

  21. Design_of_Steel_Structures_by_Sandeep_Jyani_Sir

  22. Design_of_Concrete_Structures_by_Sandeep_Jyani

  23. Engineering Mechanics by Sandeep Jyani Sir

  24. Civil Engineering Mixed MCQs 12Oct2022 Session

  25. Complete_pdf_Environmental_Engineering_1_by_Sandeep_Jyani_Sir

  26. Complete_pdf_Environmental_Engineering_2_by_Sandeep_Jyani_Sir

  27. Complete pdf SOIL MECHANICS by Sandeep Jyani Sir

  28. Complete pdf Concrete Technology by Sandeep Jyani

  29. Complete_pdf_Environmental_Engineering_1_Marathon_with_MCQs_by_Sandeep

  30. Complete PDF Irrigation Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

  31. Highway Engineering by Sandeep Jyani pdf

  32. Complete Estimating Costing and Valuation by Sandeep Jyani

  33. Complete_BUILDING_MATERIALS_pdf_by_Sandeep_Jyani_Civil_Engg


Some valuable books you can choose from for in-depth SSC-JE preparation and to increase your success rate.

Preparation Strategy For SSC JE & State Exams

You can also watch the Sandeep Jyani's latest video on the SANDEEP JYANI YouTube channel discussing the preparation strategies for the SSC JE Civil Engineering exam in 4 months


The key to success is the revision of the intended subject over and over again, and the more you revise the more chances of clocking the possibility metric scale to near maximum. Revision is the important thing to achieve and as cited before don't even attempt to give an excuse for not revising each day, endure a minimum of 2-3 hours each day for revision only. I endorse revising at the end of the day before going to bed. We hope the article will give some value to your preparation for competitive examinations and future endeavors.

Please do bookmark our blog for more regular updates and valuable insights on topics that cover the vast civil engineering subjects and beyond. If you find this blog useful please do leave a comment and drop a like for us. Thanks, see you guys in the next post.

(Keywords: sandeep jyani pdf downloads, sandeep jyani pdf notes, sandeep jyani civil engineering, civil engineering notes pdf, civil engineering notes pdf download, sandeep jyani download pdf notes, pdf civil engineering, Civil 101, civil 101 sandeep jyani)


explorer Point
explorer Point
Apr 09, 2023

Can you please upload foundation engineering notes


amsa raza
amsa raza
Sep 24, 2022

Sir please upload engineering mechanics and bridge engineering notes as well


Siddharam M
Siddharam M
Aug 23, 2022

Thank you so much


Davood Habib
Davood Habib
Jun 17, 2022

Great work sir


Noob King
Noob King
May 13, 2022

Thank you 👍

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